Your Answers Lie Within

Every month, I offer my ongoing Your Answers Lie Within classes - single classes that you can join anytime.

To accommodate various time zones, there are two options for days and times.

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All the details below!

7 - 8:30 pm ET | Wednesday
August 14
Via Zoom

1 - 2:30 pm ET | Thursday 
August 15
Via Zoom

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About the class

Your healer lies within. Your guru lies within.

I'll be teaching you how to access your inner wisdom for navigating whatever’s going on in your life, health-wise and otherwise. Your answers really do lie within!

Whatever’s going on - whether it's a health issue, perhaps a relationship challenge, maybe money concerns, or something else, you’ll learn simple, effortless, mind-body medicine practices for finding a path to ease from dis-ease, and to clarity and solutions. I’ll teach you how to use these various exercises during the class. And they're all do-it-yourself tools that you can use on your own, after the class.

Each class will be guided by the needs of participants. You’ll have the opportunity to bring up any concerns or issues that you’re having and I’ll offer exercises, practices, and coaching for your specific concerns. However, there’s no pressure to share if you don’t want to.

Do consider joining me to learn about the practices that have helped me to heal myself and transform my life - and that continue to help me find my way, easily, peacefully, and joyously!

Register now for Your Answers Lie Within

One Time Payment of $39 USD / per class